Pedagogical Prizes Uppsala University 2010

The event was sadly rather poorly attended, eight people and six speakers, plus Pro-rektor Kerstin Salén.

The videos of the speaches are available on the web.

Gunnel Cederlöf

Presentation on the history of development of knowledge and the challenges of internationalisation in our education. Interesting view of the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity for education in our times.
Worth going to the web and listening to.

Jakob Johansson

Talked about goals and the learning map and pathways that are established in a course.
The model presented is drawn from Stanford, USA and appears to be closely connected to and inspired by Biggs work on Constructive Alignment.

Ingrid Arnesjö

DiaNa, Dialog för Naturvetare: Diolog for Natural Scientists.
The model is driven by a competency based approach to learning and developing skills and knowledge. Inspiration from the educational model of Alverno College in the USA. However, the Alverno model also seems to have its roots in theory propounded in the Kolb Learning Cycle and other reflective models of knowledge and skill formation (for example the work of Schön in his work on Educating the Reflective Practitioner). There is also a broader connection to work in conceptual development and conceptual change.  The model is built on three foundation principles, group exercises, verbal and written presentation, feedback and self evaluation. If one is interested in this area another interesting model is that used in Aalborg, and the efforts there in developing professional and technical skills and knowledge in a project and problem based educational environment.

Jonas Holmstrand
Focus on student learning, we need to care about development and growth, both of the student and knowledge in the context of learning and the development of all actors.

Takes as example a course that deals with old testament in ancient greek. A compulsory course for priests and theologens. What are the goals, make the students aware of the relevant facets of the object of study, language and interpretation, ancient greek culture and values that affect interpretation of the texts.

Build a supportive learning and communication environment in the classroom. Meta communications, what are the "rules of engagement", what can one expect as one comes to grips with this and become more expert, how can man recognise that one is making progress.

See the individual and allow yourself to be wrong, and show the way in a tangible manner.

Engagement is a key component, provide rich feedback and opportunity for dialogue.

This work seems related to work on situated learning.

Connection to research, and current research in teaching practice is also a significant focus. This is a natural aspect of teaching, and learning, to see how the area developed and is developing. In this way students experience the larger context of their learning.

Leo Caesarius

Företagsekonomiska institution. Research and education in management and comunications technology, management information systems for management information systems. Knowledge development and the preservation and communication of institutional knowledge. Describes a knowledge taxonomy in two dimensions, awareness and certainty in four boxes, Known, knowns; known unknowns, unknown knowns, and unknown unknowns.  Known unknowns can provide goals for new learning activities. Knowledge breakdowns can trigger awareness of unknown knowns, often with mediation with others, and experts, which seems linked to the idea of zone of proximal development. Finally experimentation can help us to become aware of unknown unknowns.

But, how do we become aware of student's knowledge structures? In a dialogue, but the variation in background, culture etc now are very varied. What information can we find in information systems that we have associated with our educational activities?

A very ethnographic approach to modelling student knowledge development and learning, divulged through application and experimentation, and case studies and discussion and observation. Making mistakes is a driver of learning and debate is a tool for developing knowledge and also displaying knowledge. Very much about students awareness of their learning development.


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